How to get to Donghua University (Yan’an Road Campus) from the Pudong International Airport?

         By subway and bus (39.1 km)
Take airport line 3 at Pudong International Airport Station for 4 stations and get off at Galaxy Hotel Station, and then walk
about 730 meters to arrive at Donghua University. The whole journey is about 39.1 km.
Yan’an Road Campus of Donghua University on the map
        By taxi
You could also take a taxi, below are useful expressions for taxi drivers:
English: Hi, taxi! Pleast take me to Yan'an Campus of Donghua University, No. 1882 Yan'an West Road, Changning Area,
Mandarin with Pinyin:司(sī)机(jī)师(shī)傅(fù),请(qǐng)带(dài)我(wǒ)到(dào)上(shàng)海(hǎi)市(shì)长(zhǎng)宁(níng)区(qū)